Mar 26, 2025

Pinays MB founding members, front row, left to right: Josie Concepcion, Cora De Los Reyes, Connie De Villa, Perla Javate, Irene Medina, and Alice Robles. Back, left to right: Aireen Miaral, Margarita Kives, Ruth Provitina, Araceli Ancheta, Tes Aiello, Milagros Dacwag, and Conchita Talbot. Not in picture are Roselyn Advincula, Wilma Gaburno, Emmie Joaquin, Joy Lazo, Trifona Bermisa, Marcela Buduhan, Lerma Cruz Villamor, and Ma. Luz Ocampo. Photo from Pilipino Express.

A group of Filipino women in Manitoba met last year to talk about the needs, strengths, and potentials of women in the community.

The idea of forming Pinays MB Inc. was born in this gathering, and the organization was officially formed this year.

On March 12, 2016, Pinays MB hosted a luncheon at the Skyview Ballroom of the Marlborough Hotel in Winnipeg. The event formally launched the organization, and recognized two outstanding women who made significant contributions to the growth of the Filipino community in Manitoba.

The two honourees were the late Carolina Custodio, who was instrumental in bringing groups of garment workers from the Philippines to Manitoba during the 1960s, and Fe Ryder, now retired, who was one of the first five nurses who settled in Winnipeg in 1959.

Founding member Perla Javate said: “Pinays MB Inc. is the start of a dynamic empowering group of Filipino women in Manitoba.”

“Our aim is to be a valuable resource for women of all ages to become resilient, confident and strong,” Javate also said.

A report by the local Pilipino Express stated that Pinays MB seeks to recognize women who made outstanding contributions to the Philippine community and in the mainstream community. Its other goals include providing support to Filipino women through confidence building, leadership and communication training, and participation in organized activities.

According to Pilipino Express, Pinays MB will work to identify and address issues of Filipino women in Winnipeg, like settlement for new immigrants, and parenting. The new organization will also strive to write the history of Filipino women in Manitoba.

“Pinays MB Inc. is the start of a dynamic empowering group for Filipino Women in Manitoba. Our executive membership is comprised of women from different organizations here in Manitoba. The vision and purpose of creating this group is to have a resource within the community to help support and guide Filipino women of all ages,” said Tes Aiello, Pinay MB’s public relations officer.

Emmie Joaquin, editor-in-chief of Pilipino Express, is a founding member of the organization. In addition to Javate, Aiello, and Joaquin, the other founding members are Josie Concepcion, Cora De Los Reyes, Connie De Villa, Irene Medina, Alice Robles, AireenMiaral, Margarita Kives, Ruth Provitina, Araceli Ancheta, Milagros Dacwag, Conchita Talbot, Roselyn Advincula, Wilma Gaburno, Joy Lazo, TrifonaBermisa, Marcela Buduhan, Lerma Cruz Villamor, and Ma. Luz Ocampo.

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