Filipino Values Contribute to Canada’s Asian Heritage (May 2018)
A recent census showed that Canada is home to over 4.6 million people of Asian heritage out of a total population of about 36 million.
A recent census showed that Canada is home to over 4.6 million people of Asian heritage out of a total population of about 36 million.
On Palm Sunday this year, no less than the Vicar of Christ told the youth, “You have it in you to shout.” He proclaimed this message in commemoration of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, an event the entire Christendom celebrates as it starts its observance of the Holy Week. But Pope Francis’ message also comes in the heels of the March for Our Lives movement for stricter gun control laws led by hundreds of thousands of young people across America and in parts of Canada on March 24.
This year’s celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8 comes on the heels of an unprecedented reckoning against sexual predators.
Powerful men have been falling from their perches in the wake of the Me Too campaign that has empowered women to break their silence.
The Internet did not just open the floodgates of information. It also changed the way we relate with each other. Email took over snail mail, text messages became more prevalent than actual audio phone calls and video chatting no longer requires a separate monitor, you can do it on your smartphone.
A lot of things are happening in 2018.
The year brings a bonanza of noteworthy events that will please everyone, from sports lovers to royalty watchers and movie buffs.
As sang by angels, the first Christmas of the Holy Family in a lowly stable in Bethlehem one December night long ago was about love and peace.
November 15 is National Philanthropy Day in Canada. It is a day to recognize the philanthropic achievements of volunteers, fundraisers, charities and organizations.
Pasasalamat is never lost on the Filipino, no matter which corner of the world you may find him. It can’t be helped – the spirit of thankfulness is hammered into the Filipino child’s head way before his first birthday, what with “salamat po” being one’s rightful response to a parent’s “Now what do you say?” How many goats have been slaughtered and pigs turned to lechon in thanksgiving for graduating from college or for passing the nursing licensure exam?
Filipinos come to Canada for various reasons. Whatever those motivations are, Filipinos mostly share a common goal. They want a new beginning, a fresh start.
Bayanihan is a valued tradition among Filipinos. In Philippine villages, its spirit draws farmers to join hands and help each other plow the fields, plant and harvest the rice, maintain irrigation canals, or move a house.
Every year, Canadian Filipinos celebrate two national commemorations.
One is Philippine Independence Day on June 12. The second is Canada Day on July 1, marking the birth of the country that many Filipinos call their new home.
Much has been said about the low level of Filipino representation in Canadian politics.
It’s only right to keep up the public discourse about this condition.